WHO: All those who are serious about devoting themselves to a rich and deep study into the blessed scriptures.
WHAT: A precept Bible study, the topic is Covenant. The workbook costs $20 payable at orientation class June 10.
WHEN: June 10 - Aug 26 Thursday afternoons 2-4PM
WHERE: Calvary Road Baptist Church in Maggie Valley, in the multipurpose building.
WHY: The necessity to fulfil the II Tim 2:15 mandate to study!
The necessity of Christian fellowship.
The necessity to embrace the theme of the whole counsel of God which is: “the righteous shall live by faith”.
HOW: With discipline and perseverance, we will pursue Truth, the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
***Books will be ordered May 20.
REGISTER: By filling out the form below OR calling the church office at 828-926-0506. You may also contact Jeannie Boyer at 404-539-0655 OR email at: ajeannieboyer@gmail.com
“.....and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free!!!”