Youth and Missions Pastor Seth McClure

I felt a strong call to missions my senior year in high school and since then God has grown that burden. In college, I was exposed to different kinds of missionaries and their intense stories of persecution and faith. I also had the privilege to help in a church plant for 3 months in Ljubljana, Slovenia with the Grasty family. This grew my burden and desire for the Gospel to be spread.
After getting married in November of 2018, my wife, Alex, and I felt the Lord leading us in a new direction and started praying for God’s will in our life together. As soon as the position of Missions Pastor position opened at Calvary Road we immediately saw an opportunity. We were certain of our calling to missions and felt that serving as Missions Pastor could be God leading us in that calling. We prayed for His will and left the rest up to Him. After applying and in praying for His will, we knew that if the personnel committee recommended us and the church approved through a vote that God was clearly leading us in the calling of Missions Pastor. A year later, the youth position became available and we knew God was stirring our hearts for youth ministry. We could not shake the burden that we had for the young people at our church. We could not think of two better positions than youth and missions ministry to serve God and the church at Calvary Road.
It is my joy and pleasure to serve Calvary Road in this position. It is my hope and prayer that God is glorified through a missions program that is a full expression of the Gospel both domestically and internationally; that the priority of the youth ministry is to make disciples for the Glory of God. I am fully convinced of the authority of the Word of God and the commands from scripture to declare His Glory among all peoples.
After getting married in November of 2018, my wife, Alex, and I felt the Lord leading us in a new direction and started praying for God’s will in our life together. As soon as the position of Missions Pastor position opened at Calvary Road we immediately saw an opportunity. We were certain of our calling to missions and felt that serving as Missions Pastor could be God leading us in that calling. We prayed for His will and left the rest up to Him. After applying and in praying for His will, we knew that if the personnel committee recommended us and the church approved through a vote that God was clearly leading us in the calling of Missions Pastor. A year later, the youth position became available and we knew God was stirring our hearts for youth ministry. We could not shake the burden that we had for the young people at our church. We could not think of two better positions than youth and missions ministry to serve God and the church at Calvary Road.
It is my joy and pleasure to serve Calvary Road in this position. It is my hope and prayer that God is glorified through a missions program that is a full expression of the Gospel both domestically and internationally; that the priority of the youth ministry is to make disciples for the Glory of God. I am fully convinced of the authority of the Word of God and the commands from scripture to declare His Glory among all peoples.
Office Phone: (828)926-0506 Ext. 1004